14 Things Everyone Needs to Know About Love

What is love? How do you love? Who do you love? Why do we love? Here are 14 Things Everyone Needs to Know About Love…and Life. 1. Love…gives us purpose. “When one has once fully entered the realm of love, the world-no matter how imperfect-becomes rich and beautiful-it consists solely of opportunities for love.”-Soren Aabye […]

Be Competitive. Be Greedy. Be Intolerant.

If you are going to be… …competitive, be competitive at GIVING more of yourself (who you are, what you know, what you have) to life. …greedy, be greedy for self-growth, self-knowledge, and self-awareness. …intolerant, be intolerant of social injustice and mediocrity. Competition, greed, and intolerance work in our favour when we use them to BETTER […]

Made You Look.

What day matters? Today. Who matters? You and I do. Whose life matters? My life matters. Your life matters. How do I see it? Believe it. My past is painful. Forgive in the present. How do I move forward? One action, one choice, one moment at a time. What is the Ultimate Power? Love & Gratitude… and it’s FREE.

Celebrating Rockstars: Author Unknown

ONE ONE song can spark a moment, ONE flower can wake the dream. ONE tree can start a forest, ONE bird can herald spring. ONE smile begins a friendship, ONE hand clasp lifts a soul. ONE star can guide a ship at sea, ONE word can frame the goal. ONE vote can change a nation, […]

Connoisseur Tips courtesy of another Connoisseur of Life…

These tips are courtesy of my good friend Mike Nyznyk who is funny, talented, and absolutely loves life. Now I’m not quite sure where the original came from however, today I shall give credit to the person who SHARED it with me:) Thanks Mike!