People, especially in North America, are often striving for something-status, love, money, possessions,”more,” etc. With the act of striving comes the art of action and the need for constant action to move one (or many) step(s) forward. What if for one moment, we stopped striving and asked ourselves, “What do I consider the Ultimate Reward?” What […]
Tag: wealth
Saying, “I do.”
Relationships come in all shapes, sizes, and forms. A relationship occurs between people. A relationship occurs between our self and our work/careers. A relationship occurs with ourselves. Many were fascinated when they heard that I was embarking on The Playground Project. But what exactly sparked this adventure? The answer: the need to keep the spark […]
Be Competitive. Be Greedy. Be Intolerant.
If you are going to be… …competitive, be competitive at GIVING more of yourself (who you are, what you know, what you have) to life. …greedy, be greedy for self-growth, self-knowledge, and self-awareness. …intolerant, be intolerant of social injustice and mediocrity. Competition, greed, and intolerance work in our favour when we use them to BETTER […]
A Very Special Tuesday.
Good morning Rock Stars, Happy Tuesday! Today marks my 122nd blog post…amazing! Who knew that when I began this little experiment, it would turn into something so much more. Over the course of these 122 posts, you have given me the privilege of sharing ideas, perspectives, and who I am. You have inspired me to […]
Save the best for last?
“Save the best for last” is a saying that has been around for decades and one that has me curious. One of the questions that comes to mind is this: if we save the best for last, will we really enjoy it when it arrives? I used to save things for “special days,” which when […]
I can…I am…I will…
I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do. -Helen Keller Today is a day like no other…if you let it. You and I have the capacity […]
Monday Magic
It’s Monday and what a Monday it is. How will you spend your day? What will make it one for the books? What would it take for you to say, “Now THAT’S what I call an awesome day.” Here’s wishing all of you an abundance of opportunities to make this day one to remember! p.s. […]