What Time-Out Has Taught Me…

Time-Out. When you were a child, were you ever given a time-out? Perhaps you did something you weren’t suppose to do or you were being unkind and as a result, your parent/teacher put you in a corner, sent you up to your room, or had you sit in a chair for time-out? That was me. […]


It’s Tuesday August 13th, 2013 and it’s a pretty spectacular day I might add. 1. Today, my nephew Jackson turns 1. One year ago, he joined the world 5 weeks earlier than expected and one year later, he is flourishing and growing in leaps and bounds. He has brought such joy to our lives and […]

I Am Guilty.

I like stuff and along side with stuff comes something that perhaps we have in common: a competitive nature. Along this journey of living my dreams, I am guilty of not once, not twice, but more times than I’d like to admit, taken my eyes off my journey and become enthralled, obsessed and envious with […]

Are You For Real?

The other day, I was in the parking lot of Costco and as I was approaching the entrance, I observed a lady pushing her cart back. What was interesting in this case, was that instead of returning her cart to the area where all the available carts were located, she conveniently pushed it against a […]

Chew On This!

It’s 8:30pm on Monday and what a Monday it has been. Here’s a glimpse into Life from The Playground Project Occupation: Personal Shopper & Sous-Chef Client: A female executive who found herself working consecutive late nights leading to non-existent breakfast, lunches on the go, and take-out/order-in dinners. In addition, these late nights left her feeling […]

Happy Tuesday

Good morning world! Today as I sit in my workspace and look out at the sun that surrounds me, I can’t help but be filled with gratitude. These past few weeks have been filled with fascinating people, chance encounters, great reads, and those moments that truly become memories. Cheesy? Yes, possibly. The reality is, it’s […]