Fear Undermines. Courage Unleashes.

Living a fulfilled life is not easy, but it is rewarding. Along the way, we (you and definitely I) often encounter moments of confusion, uncertainty, frustration, and that powerful four-letter word: FEAR. In its fullest form, fear has the power to distract us as well as destroy us. The good news is, when we become […]

I Am Guilty.

I like stuff and along side with stuff comes something that perhaps we have in common: a competitive nature. Along this journey of living my dreams, I am guilty of not once, not twice, but more times than I’d like to admit, taken my eyes off my journey and become enthralled, obsessed and envious with […]

Make Believe.

As a child, most of us are familiar with playing “make believe.” During this time, we envision being someone else and/or someplace else (perhaps in a new role, having a new name, being your favourite person, etc). In that very moment, we are completely in character and in that moment, we believe we are that […]

Dream. Risk. Fulfill.

Sometimes, I’m lead to believe that we, human beings are afraid of our own potential. Perhaps it scares us with the knowledge that we are capable of anything we put our minds to and the sky is the limit. Perhaps this sheer knowledge of the magnitude we are capable of overwhelms us….why? Because we realize […]