A Game-Changing Statement

“In a single moment, it is all gone.”-Revelation 18:17 We live in a society of constant to-do lists in the pursuit of feeling “accomplished,” “getting things done,” and “delivering on promises.” Perhaps this is a familiar setting for you or for those around you. Then we come across one bold statement that challenges the way […]

Rule (of) the Playground

Over the past couple of weeks, the notion of giving and receiving has come up several times. Often, good-hearted people get addicted to giving to others but hesitate when it comes to receiving. More often then not, this hesitation or reluctance to receive stems from a feeling of guilt or the feeling that “if I […]


Our dreams are inspired visions of what is possible. Rooted deep within, they propel us forward on days when we feel like we can go no further. They give us hope of a happier tomorrow, which offers us happiness today. When we are young, we imagine. As we grow older, our imaginations give way to […]

The Blank Canvas Approach

I don’t always understand. I’m not always understood. I am perfectly imperfect. Each day is a blank canvas and wonder and awe are my paint brushes. The finished painting at the end of my day is my experience. I see potential in problems. I see opportunities in obstacles. I see Love and the longing for […]

Currency of Life

“The days are long but the years are short…” Time flies. It really does. It is something that most of us crave more of but don’t really know what to do with it when we have it. It is one of those “things” that the less there is, the more we want. Time has a […]

The Moments In Between.

I am dying…and I am unafraid. The thing with dying is it challenges you to savour each moment, cherish the time you spend with your loved ones and confronts you with the here and now, and all that you hold close. I am dying…and I am ok with it. See a while ago when I […]