One Way Ticket.

I love books. I can spend hours in the library or at Indigo browsing, borrowing, buying and reading books. A well-written book is a work of art. Just over a week ago, I had the great privilege of reading “The Faith Club” by Ranya Idliby, Suzanne Oliver, and Priscilla Warner who just so happen to […]

I Am A Jerk.

a personal reflection dated May 14th, 2013 I am torn. In the other room is my amazing husband whom I love and who I hear laughing while enjoying a show. And in our bedroom, I sit thinking, wondering, and contemplating all that is within me. You see, I love life. I think it’s fascinating with all of […]

The Four Letter Word

I was chatting with my dad the other day and he said, “your brother thinks you’re rich!” I replied, “Oh really? Why is that?” His response, “because you eat organic food.” I laughed. Perception is funny. It can lead us to believe things, justify ways of being, and make judgements without understanding. Perception in essence […]

3 Letter Powerhouse.

It’s a three letter word that holds so much power, promise, and potential. It’s comparable to a bridge, an ‘x’ factor, and glue. It takes two things and puts it together. It requires thought, (often times) creativity, and a “Hell-Yes” attitude to stay committed and make it happen. AND is that powerful. According to Merriam-Webster […]

#TBT=The Big Three

Hello Rockstars! Happy Tuesday. I hope all of you are having a wonderful week thus far. It’s two days into a new week and we have some BIG announcements to make. So without further a dew, check. it. out. 1. On THURSDAY NOVEMBER 8th, 2012 at 11:00am EDT, I will be interviewed by the amazing Sahil […]

Be a Gift Unwrapper.

To make life easier, we must be willing to stand for something and make (sometimes) tough choices. Click on the image above to download a FREE copy of The Half-Ass Yes vs. The Respectful No Welcome naysayers and inconveniences. Why? Because they are just life asking you if you are SERIOUS about who you are, […]

Tic-Tac-Toe 2012

Happy Monday Rockstars! In a world that is constantly selling us the image of health, wealth, and happiness, how effective would they be if we were to close our eyes? Without your sight, do you have vision? Today, I invite you to consider that to truly see the world we want and the life you […]

Author Unknown

Through The Journey of Life by Author Unknown Do not undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others. It is because we are different that each of us is special. Do not set your goals by what other people deem important. Only you know what is best for you. Do not take for granted the […]

The Ultimate Reward

People, especially in North America, are often striving for something-status, love, money, possessions,”more,” etc. With the act of striving comes the art of action and the need for constant action to move one (or many) step(s) forward. What if for one moment, we stopped striving and asked ourselves, “What do I consider the Ultimate Reward?” What […]

The Honest System

(SPECIAL NOTE: This reflection aka “free admission exercise” was written yesterday and I had no intention of  posting it until I sat down to write this week’s blog post. If this journey has taught me anything, it is this: nothing is more powerful than raw honesty and sheer emotion laid on the line. Some call […]