Dream Job? This is how…

Hello Amazing Rockstars! Happy Tuesday and belated Thanksgiving to all you Canadians:) Dream Job? Meaningful Connections? Lucky In Love? This can sometimes seem impossible on many days however, YOU. ARE. IN. LUCK. I am very privileged to be surrounded by some incredible and extremely passionate people. Below are some of my awesome friends/colleagues who are […]

I Am Guilty.

I like stuff and along side with stuff comes something that perhaps we have in common: a competitive nature. Along this journey of living my dreams, I am guilty of not once, not twice, but more times than I’d like to admit, taken my eyes off my journey and become enthralled, obsessed and envious with […]

Is this YOU?

Incredible opportunities surrounds us more than we realize. What it often takes is an open-mind and Rockstar vision to see it…and embrace it. As you all know, I am a HUGE fan and Big-Time supporter of organizations who are DOING Humanitarian GOOD and (currently or are in the process of) DOING financially WELL. One organization in particular […]

It’s Not About You BUT It’s All About You.

Facebook. Linkedin. Twitter. Three powerhouses in the Social Media World. Three disasters in the I-don’t-know-how-to-use Social Media world, which lead to FAKEBOOK, (UN)LINKEDIN, and TWITTER-ME-NOT. For starters, the purpose of Social Media lies in the very first word: SOCIAL. Socializing is a form of human behaviour which at its finest, allows us to connect with […]