Mid-Week Love (Letter)

Dear Beautiful Soul, You Matter. More than you’ll ever know. Sometimes in this crazy world of ours, it’s hard to believe. We feel lost in a sea of people. And there are those who would like us to believe that we’re just a number-we’re replaceable. I’m happy to report that they got it wrong. You […]

Beauty & Blessings: This Week in Wonder & Awe(some)!

It’s the last day of April (well depending on when you are reading this), can you believe it? Four months of 2016 gone just like that. I seriously can’t believe it. With that said, this week’s treasure hunt may have resulted in one of the largest hauls to date including TWO amazing books (I share […]

Beauty & Blessings: This Week in Wonder & Awe(some)

Hello, hello! Happy [insert whatever day you are reading this]:) Wherever this finds you today, may this week’s treasures remind you that you matter, your life matters, and you are so incredibly loved. And perhaps it might even inspire you to uncover the hidden treasures in your own life…you might just surprise yourself with the […]