The Amazing Race: Life Edition, Part III

I have a confession to make. I like being on time. I hate being late. And cutting it close gives me anxiety.

Last week I had a morning meeting in the east end of the city. Typically I would take the highway to get there and when I checked on google maps, it said it would take just over an hour. But the truth is, I don’t really enjoy driving on this particular highway, which often has tons of traffic and can leave one feeling a little (or a lot) on edge. With just over an hour and half to spare, I decided to take a different route…a “short cut” of sorts.

Lesson #1: Some short cuts are actually the longer route in disguise.

On this route, I ended up facing a pile load of construction and almost every red light. Time was ticking and it seemed like I still had ways to go.
My nice relaxing morning drive turned into an anxiety filled “will I make it on time” experience. I was anxiously trying to get there on time but the reality is anxiety of any sorts is a bad companion.

Lesson #2: Anxiety can show up at anytime. So can gratitude. Choose wisely.

We cannot change the cards we are dealt-Randy Pausch

I pulled into the parking lot as the clock hit 10am (the time of the meeting). I raced upstairs and noticed that the meeting hadn’t started and ran to the ladies room (because drinking lots of fluids and a longer drive don’t go hand-in-hand). In those 30 seconds, I needed to decide who I would be walking into that meeting. Would I walk-in carrying anxiety with me or would I walk-in in gratitude that I had arrived safely and in time for the meeting? On that day, I chose the latter (I’ve learned from previous mistakes).

Lesson #3:  Timing Attitude is everything.

If I had taken the route I was trying to avoid, I would have have arrived at my meeting with 20 minutes to spare (not factoring in any unforseen circumstances). Instead, I avoided that particular route in favour of comfort and I ended up getting to my meeting with 20 seconds to spare (and that’s just because they didn’t start on time. Thank You Jesus!).

Lesson #4: Comfort and convenience can be a good thing but that good thing can prevent us from the BEST thing.

Sometimes, the quickest route from A to B requires us to get out of our comfort zone. Instead of defining my circumstances, that morning, I let my circumstances define me. My avoidance of one thing led to anxiety with another. The good news is, in the end, it all worked out. I got to my meeting and ended up having a great day despite the initial anxiety.

Lesson #5: Don’t let a bad moment become a bad day.




In life, there will be moments where we may trip and even slip but what we do after that is what matters. Do we fall and stay down or do we get up, brush ourselves off, and take the next step? Our circumstances don’t have to define us. You and I have the mighty power to define our circumstances. We can focus on all the things we aren’t/can’t do/don’t have OR we can focus on the things we are/can do/do have.



Friends, life is about time perspective. And the good news is, your perspective on people/places/circumstances/life, is your choice.
Now that’s power.


About Joann Lim Lesiuczok

Lifestyle Designer. Catalyst. Connoisseur of Life. Perfectly Imperfect. Foodie. Allergic to Nuts, Shellfish, and Mediocrity. Love Naps. Thought-Provoker. Soul-Stirrer. Multi-instrument Musician. Professional Dreammaker. Drew's Wife. JE SUiS. 1 Corinthians 14:1. When We Change The Way We Love, We Change The Way We Live. When We Change The Way We Live, We Change The Way We Love. #dangerouslove #generationamazing #lifeclass