Hey there Beautiful Soul,
Happy Easter Weekend!
If you’re in the mood for an Easter hunt of sorts, may I invite you to a Daily Treasure Hunt of Beauty & Blessings all around you. Whether you “collect” them in the form of a running list/note on your phone, or take a snap shot with your camera, something amazing happens as you grow your collection. Unlike the chocolate and sweets that are here one day and gone the next, your list/photos/collection of daily treasures are there for you to enjoy time and time again. It’s a gift that keeps giving.
May the treasures from this week’s Beauty & Blessings nourish your soul and may they never cease to remind you that
You. Are. Loved.
They saw a need and did something about it.
‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”-Matthew 25:40
“Nothing’s as real as a life told from start to finish”-Shad K
Learn more about Global Populace…
Real Stories. Real Impact. Introducing CONSCIOUS MAGAZINE.
Photo Credit: CONSCIOUS Magazine
Doing Well by Doing Good. This. Is. Possible. And these fine folks show us how….
Eat. Drink. Change Lives. I love, Love, LOVE this… and you might too. #hope
It was National Puppy day this past week so to celebrate one of life’s cutest creatures (in my humble opinion), check these out!
Let’s begin with a dog who holds not one but TWO Guinness World Records!

I Spy With My Little I-Phone: This Week in Photos

To learn more about Louie Schwartzberg, please visit movingart.com
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- Ladies (and Gents) Who ________: What’s Your Legacy? - May 15, 2018
- A Letter For Every Mother - April 17, 2018
- Dear Beautiful Soul… - March 28, 2018