A BAD Post.

We live in a world that glorifies being busy and magnifies material goods. In the midst of it all is a deep desire within all of us for…connection. Real connection with real people. A type of connection that says,  “I hear you. I feel your pain. I celebrate your success. I understand. You can do it. You are worth […]

The Awkward Years

My awkward years began at the age of 13 and lasted till I was about 16. During those three years, I felt unsure, kind of fuzzy in terms of where and how I fit in, and the bigger question, “who the heck am I?” It was also a time of physical awkwardness as I got […]

Unleashing Happiness

Liking what you do is happiness. Doing what you like is freedom. –Bruce Poon Tip I had the great privilege of hearing Bruce Poon Tip give a talk at last week’s Canadian Business Leaders Forum and he was in one word: INSPIRING. He has this rawness that is admirable, a drive to make a difference […]