When There is Doubt, Be BOLDER.

We start every year with great expectations for the days to come.

Many people make resolutions to:

a) give up a bad habit/vice

b) embrace a new virtue

c) be their best selves

Enter life.

Enter inconveniences.

Enter temptation.

Suddenly, without knowing it, we find ourselves mid-way through the year and…nothing has changed or has it?

How many of us reach the mid-point and think to ourselves that “if things haven’t changed by now, it never will.” And thus, we treat the mid-point of the year as the end of the year and give up on ourselves.

In this likeness, how many of us do this with our dreams? We have a dream. We believe in it and our ability to achieve it. We start out strong and inspired. We wake up believing and fall asleep pumped for the next day. We are ‘awake’ and alive. There is nothing that can stop us. But then it happens. The dream starts taking longer than we anticipated. The new relationship, job/career, fitness goal, house, etc. is taking a while. With each day, our inspiration and motivation is tested…and so is our patience.

That’s the thing with dreams and declarations. The minute we put it out there, we are tested and challenged by life to see if we are serious.

“Joann, are you serious you want to travel to Europe by yourself? Joann, are you serious you want to meet a great guy? Joann, are you serious you want to do work you love?”

Along the way, when we face “obstacles” in the form of naysayers, circumstances beyond our control (e.g., gentlemen or douche bags who are clearly not the right fit) and so forth, how often /easily are we ready to throw in the towel, give up and/or put ourselves down for even dreaming such a thing in the first place?

Ladies and gents, dreams are not a final destination. They are a process.

Too often, we get fixated on a destination and miss out on the journey.

Yes, perhaps dating “Mr. not the best fit” can be trying and challenging but these moments in time are gifts in disguise-grooming, equipping us and developing us into the people we need to be to truly appreciate the “destination.”

One of my  best friends once said to me in a very firm and bold way,


do not give up

These four words sunk deep into my heart. Why? Because it was someone saying, “I believe in you. You have something amazing to offer this world. You are on the right path. You matter.”

Sometimes, we need someone to speak boldness into our lives. At the same time, you and I can be the people to speak boldness into the lives and dreams of others.

We are that powerful.

“Do not grow weary of doing what is good for at just the right time, we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.”-Galatians 6:9

About Joann Lim Lesiuczok

Lifestyle Designer. Catalyst. Connoisseur of Life. Perfectly Imperfect. Foodie. Allergic to Nuts, Shellfish, and Mediocrity. Love Naps. Thought-Provoker. Soul-Stirrer. Multi-instrument Musician. Professional Dreammaker. Drew's Wife. JE SUiS. 1 Corinthians 14:1. When We Change The Way We Love, We Change The Way We Live. When We Change The Way We Live, We Change The Way We Love. #dangerouslove #generationamazing #lifeclass

2 thoughts on “When There is Doubt, Be BOLDER.

  1. Joann….sorry I have not been in touch, too many things going on, all good but just lots to juggle….but things do happen in their own time…Anyway just wanted to say…loved your post!  You really add your value, keep it up.  And when time is right, hope to connect again…:))  suppinder


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