It’s blooming season. Lots of exciting things are taking place on the Playground of Connoisseurs of Life and many of them stemmed from an obstacle, inconvenience, or something that didn’t go as planned/expected. I encourage all of you to embrace obstacles and inconveniences as they are just opportunities (many times AMAZING opportunities) in disguise.
1. I love TED talks so it was a great honour and privilege to be asked to host TEDxYorkU 2012 this past March. The theme of the event was #impactmatters. I knew it was a great fit as it was a chance to be a part of something amazing and considering my last name is LIM, it was a chance to infuse some #LIMpact in the event. This past week, the official videos were released.
Check out the

2. Fascinating people are everywhere and I always say “Fascinating people have fascinating friends!” A dear colleague and friend of mine Drew Dudley ( or Sir Drew the Great as I call him, introduced me to the ever talented Avil Beckford, founder of Ambeck Enterprise and Invisible Mentor ( Shortly there after, I was interviewed for the Invisible Mentor and had the opportunity to share the obstacles, opportunities, and inspiration of living a life of love.
I invite all of you to check out the interview at or click the image below
3. The Gift Boutique is now open! I often get asked, “When’s the book coming out?” You asked, I listened and the very first one has arrived. Check out The Gift Boutique (or click the image below to be taken there!) and pick up a copy of Rockstars 52– 52 weeks of Make It Happen Mastery where I reveal some of the very M.I.H. Opportunities I give to my clients (and myself) to help them achieve extraordinary results and lives of love. Here’s your chance to make this year your BEST year yet!
Lastly, we’re thisclose from revealing a new and exciting adventure: The Playground Project.. Stay tuned for more details.
Here’s to you and this moment. Seize it and make it one to remember.
- Ladies (and Gents) Who ________: What’s Your Legacy? - May 15, 2018
- A Letter For Every Mother - April 17, 2018
- Dear Beautiful Soul… - March 28, 2018