When life hands you lemons, squeeze every ounce of juice out to make lemonade, lemon pasta, and so much more!
“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are are.”-Bill Widener
When the unexpected happens, it is a test of one’s character, resolve, and willingness to push through or… be pushed around. Last week I had to dig deep as my website went down for several days because of a server issue. The funny thing is, as much as this was frustrating and inconvenient, it really wasn’t the end of the world. It made me ask the question, would anyone know it was gone? It reminded me that sometimes, often times, the most important things we ever do in life, will never be seen in public. They happen when no one is looking. They happen when the spotlights are turned off. They happen behind the scenes (while others are taking center stage). They happen when we are tempted to think “this doesn’t really matter.”
The truth is, someone IS watching. God is always watching (in a non-creepy way that is). God sees when we shout for joy and when we shed tears of anguish. He sees when we overcome a challenge or are tempted to quit in defeat. He sees when we are having incredible days and when we have days that we’d rather have over and done with. He sees it all. More importantly, He sees us. He saw Taya Smith in 2007 through the worst year of her life….and did this. (You can also read more of her story in Brian Houston’s new book “Live Love Lead”)
There is nothing you or I have or ever will go through that is a surprise to God. He loves us just as we are. And in the midst of it all, He calls to us, knocking at our door, wondering if we’ll open it and let Him into every area of our lives.
There are many things in life that I don’t understand. There are many things about God that are beyond anything I can comprehend. And you know what, I’m ok with that. Though my rational mind wants to know everything and everyone, my heart is at rest when I don’t have to know it all. Instead, I can rest and rely on the ONE who does.
“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”-Romans 8:28
I came across this story via Ann Mainse. It was so inspiring that like any good thing, I had to share.
The story is about a father and son who love collector art. Tragically, the son dies in the war saving the life of another.
One day, a young man knocks on the door of the father’s house. He has come because he wanted to give the father a gift-a painted portrait of his son who had saved his life. The father treasured this painting and would show it to everyone who would come and visit. After the father died, they held an auction. The first painting on the block was the portrait of the son. People shouted that they came for the other “well-known” painters. Finally the gardener (who didn’t have a lot of money) offered $10. After that, the auctioneer put down his gavel and announced that the auction was over. How could that be? There were so many more paintings left to be auctioned.
See friends, there was a stipulation that whoever bought the son, got everything-the estate, the artwork, everything.
When you get the Son, you get it all.
- Ladies (and Gents) Who ________: What’s Your Legacy? - May 15, 2018
- A Letter For Every Mother - April 17, 2018
- Dear Beautiful Soul… - March 28, 2018