Courage. It’s the willingness to follow your heart. Courage. It’s the willingness to lead with your heart. Coeur=heart in French. Heart Age. Courage. It’s the willingness to live from your heart.
As I was reminded this week, following your heart is not easy. It takes guts. It takes boldness. It takes character. It’s risky but ultimately worth it.
This week’s goodie bag is dedicated to the risk takers, the dreammakers…the COURAGEOUS ones.
Courage… It’s Heart Work.
This week as social media exploded with the news and first photo of Caitlyn Jenner, many were challenged without even knowing it. Judge her. Condemn her. Ignore her. Love her. Your choice.
I came across an article written by Josh Cobia and well, I hope you read it too. It might just open your heart…a little wider. “I went to church with Bruce Jenner. Here’s what Caitlyn Jenner taught me about Jesus.”

Courage inspires us to try something new. How’s this for “football”?
Courage is the willingness to take one. more. breath.
Courage looks beyond the physical to see true potential.
What do YOU see? You may see ugly but the French see chic…check out the latest in French fasion…

Imagine what would be possible if we could over look the 6 billion pounds of imperfection to see the people we could feed and the lives we could transform….

Courage confronts what we think we know for what could be…
Courage says, “I’ll stand for you.”
Courage allows us to Live Out Loud Everyday.
#lolewhite. Eiffel Tower. Paris, France. FREE event. FREE Lole Mat + Gift Bag. One extraordinary experience.

For the complete list of dates and cities of the #lolewhite world tour, visit LOLE WOMEN and be sure to use the promo code: LWT15AMB6366 to receive $5 off your #lolewhite ticket (not applicable to the Paris event).
Courage allows us to see the Beauty & Blessings each and every day. Happy Weekend all!
- Ladies (and Gents) Who ________: What’s Your Legacy? - May 15, 2018
- A Letter For Every Mother - April 17, 2018
- Dear Beautiful Soul… - March 28, 2018