Beauty…breathtaking beauty after the storm.
Homemade Deliciousness (click on image to be taken to recipe)

Divine Wisdom is all around. These gems came courtesy of Mike and Hayley Jones who shared their incredible story of doing God’s Will and how God works ALL things out for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28) in their book “At Any Cost”. If you are looking for your next read, consider this one. It’s breathtakingly beautiful.

“Lifestyles of the Young & Generous”-Nick Nilson
On the weekend, the family got together to celebrate our sweet niece Jillian’s 2nd bday. Shortly after we arrived, her sister Marilyn a.k.a. Mooshie (who is 3) came to me with something in her hand. In her high pitched cute voice, she said “Here Joann, this is for you.” After thanking her for her sweet gift, I asked her what she would like me to do with it (I wasn’t sure if this was a game of let’s pretend). She insisted that I take it home and said, “you can put stuff in it. You can put your earrings in it.” The little red box with the words “Be Mine” may physically still be empty, but it is overflowing with love and a special memory with an incredibly special little girl.
How to Change the World with Kindness
Blessings come in all shapes and sizes. Thank you to mama and papa Lim for bringing us these delicious gems.
On Wednesday, I went to the farmers market. I took out $40 but through a series of events, I ended up having $30 for the farmers market. I had bought stuff for us and my sister and was down to my last $5. I was thinking about getting some peaches or nectarines ($5) but just before I did, my sister asked if I would pick up some strawberries too. They cost $5. So instead of buying peaches/nectarines for us, I used my last $5 to get her strawberries.
The very next day, my beautiful and generous mom and pops showed up with…a very large container of fresh peaches! Way more than the $5 would have got me at the market.
A 2 Corinthians 9:8, Zechariah 9:12 moment
The Design/Creativity Challenge: No Harm. NO Waste.
“Waste is a design flaw.”-Kate Krebs
I love fresh peas but what do you do with the empty pods? Blanch them in boiling water, add some fresh mint, garlic, asiago cheese, black pepper, smoked sea salt, and extra virgin olive oil to create an incredibly delicious pea pod and mint pesto!
Interested in putting an end to waste? Check out these amazing resources!
Food Waste Assistant -online tool where you can input items you last threw out and it offers solutions to avoid wasting it next time (talk about money saver too!)
29 Smart and Easy Tips to Reduce Food Waste
12 Ways to Reduce Food Waste at Home
Everyday Items
Unusual Uses for Everyday Items
32 ideas of Life Changing Ways to Use Everyday Objects
Upcycling Ideas and Inspiration
Wishing you and yours the most wonderfully amazing, spectacularly beautiful weekend ahead.
You. Are. Loved.
- Ladies (and Gents) Who ________: What’s Your Legacy? - May 15, 2018
- A Letter For Every Mother - April 17, 2018
- Dear Beautiful Soul… - March 28, 2018