Hey There Beautiful Souls,
Happy Weekend! How was your week? I hope that in the midst of your to-do lists and busy days, you managed to find little moments to breathe and be in the moment. Thank you for making this read a part of your day. May you leave feeling refreshed, energized, and little more inspired.
Wishing you an amazing weekend ahead!
This song has been on repeat…
What would your 12 steps look like?
If You’re in Need of Some SERIOUS Wonder & Awe(some), look no further!
….this is one of the most MIND BLOWING talks I’ve ever heard
….and just in case you were wondering just how large the universe is, check this out. It’s awe-inspiring.
(Note: aside from Jupiter in image 3, the rest of the “round circles” are all….STARS!).
After witnessing all of that “Out of this World” WOW, I came across an “in this world” wow. Check out how this beautiful lady is turning sorrow into joy. Inspiring.

New Find of the Week!
The best things happen when you dare to follow your heart. And that’s exactly what we did when we hatched this idea for a new Dutch magazine in an attic room several years ago. We dreamed of a magazine with which we could explore our love of paper. A magazine of unhurried time, all about doing things differently and making new choices. Small happiness, daily life and the beauty of not always managing to be perfect. That is how Flow began. Flow is all about positive psychology, mindfulness, creativity and the beauty of imperfection.-Flow Magazine (as written on their website flowmagazine.com)
Would YOU be willing to walk on water?
“The greatest injustice of this world is how easy it would be to fix it but we haven’t.”-Caroline Barnett
Ever faced uncertainty? Ever faced plans that did not pan out? Ever planned your life only to have it be turned upside down like a snow globe? How do you be content in the midst of uncertainty? This lovely lady shares her story, which may in turn inspire yours…
- Ladies (and Gents) Who ________: What’s Your Legacy? - May 15, 2018
- A Letter For Every Mother - April 17, 2018
- Dear Beautiful Soul… - March 28, 2018