What is it to be empty?
And expect nothing.
What is it to be empty?
And live the questions.
What is it to be empty?
In eternal, peaceful contemplation.
What is it to be empty?
In stillness and awareness.
What is it to be empty?
And follow your soul’s calling.
What is it to be empty?
And live in all your authentic glory.
What is it to be empty?
And let grace lead you.
Be empty,
And discover the wisdom within.
Be empty,
And everything you seek will arrive;
In its own time,
In its own space,
In its own way.
Be empty,
And receive the gifts, life has been waiting to give you.
Axladitsa is a 24 acre olive farm home to the Living Wholeness Institute. They host experiences and conversations that explore the question “What does it mean to truly transform our systems- ourselves included- so that they are deeply sustainable, at all levels?”.
I came to Axladitsa to begin my apprenticeship with them and in my two week stay, my whole world shifted. When I arrived, I was extremely anxious. I was at a crossroads in my life and unsure of the path ahead personally and professionally. I had many questions that I was unsuccessfully trying to figure out the answers to.
Then, one of the Institute’s co-founders (a dear mentor and friend), asked me “What would it be like to let it all go and just be here….be here and trust everything will work itself out?”. She challenged me to stop trying to figure it all out and be fully present in the now, trusting the answers would arrive in their own way without my concentrated effort (which wasn’t working anyway). She asked me to just relax and be here, doing whatever it was my heart called for me to do.
What followed was magical. In conversation, silence and play the answers appeared through dialogue, intuition and gentle thought streams. Additionally, being empty gave me the gift of discovering my true self. I found the space to recognize what activities gave me the greatest feelings of aliveness and joy and who I was without the stress and anxiety I addictively carried with me. I experienced a deep sense of peace that I’d been craving for so long, not to mention finding the direction I was desperately seeking without “trying”.
So my challenge to you is…can you let it go? The how? Can you lovingly hold the questions and then let it go? Can you let the answers find you?
Susheela is a multi-talented and gifted writer and speaker. Her beautiful soul radiates love and wisdom wherever she goes. She also has an incredibly infectious laugh! Her mission in life is to help to transform this world to make it a happier and healthier place for everyone. One person and one moment at a time. You can follow her musings on twitter @SAVVYSUSHI- Ladies (and Gents) Who ________: What’s Your Legacy? - May 15, 2018
- A Letter For Every Mother - April 17, 2018
- Dear Beautiful Soul… - March 28, 2018
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