Hello Beautiful Soul,
- You Matter.
- You Are Loved. So Very Loved.
- You Are A Miracle. If you don’t believe me, read this.
Today, wherever this finds you, may you know that YOU ARE LOVED just as you are. Sit back, relax, and savour some of life’s delights in this week’s Beauty & Blessings.
Joann xo
This is pure “Give A Damn” Brilliance! “Purpose is the new bottom line.”-Casey Gerald
Learn more about Casey Gerald and MBA’s Across America
What Do You See? Some see an ordinary van, this man saw something so much more…he saw freedom.

…and After!

Check out more photos of this spectacular transformation!
Wisdom that will never expire. Ever.
20 Stories of Random Kindness that Will Warm Your Soul. Kindness never gets old. Ever.

Photo via Huffington Post
Want to Eat Healthier? Here’s How to Create the Perfect Meal Plan…
Have You Ever Wanted to Walk on Water? Well now it’s possible:)
I Spy with My Little I-phone: This Week in Photos…

And then there was this story of Kindness…
…and this one. In a time where acts of hatred make headlines, this ACT OF LOVE shows what Love really means.
I’m a Fan of Coconut Oil. Maybe after this, you will be too. Here are 20 PROVEN Benefits of Coconut Oil!
With all the hoopla and craziness that is going on in our world, it is EASY to worry. BUT worry doesn’t have to be our way of life. Worry-free living IS possible….
“Worry is like an uninvited guest that shows up whenever it likes and will enter your life whenever you let it in.”
…and so is living UNASHAMED.
When I heard this, I laughed, Drew laughed…and maybe you’ll laugh too!
p.s. if you’re reading this and thinking “who are Ruth and Boaz?” I’ve got you covered:). Here is a link to their love story.
The best photos say it all. Erica Wright of Natural Born Beauties Photography has become a master at taking them. This one melted my heart.

- Ladies (and Gents) Who ________: What’s Your Legacy? - May 15, 2018
- A Letter For Every Mother - April 17, 2018
- Dear Beautiful Soul… - March 28, 2018