“Rare. Special. And Entirely Worth It.”-J Crew Tagline
YOU are Rare.
YOU are Special.
And YOU are Entirely Worth It.
A plant that only grows near diamonds..could it be? According to these geologists, the Pandanus candelabrum found in Africa may be rare and have a very special purpose.
“After winter must come spring. Change will come eventually…”-Lauryn Hill
There’s a lot of talk about happiness. According to Shawn Anchor, success doesn’t lead to happiness but happiness leads to success.
This is what happens when my wonderfully amazing husband Drew and I try and surprise each other…

As my super cute nephew A.J. would say, “Let’s count…”
I love flamingos. I think they are utterly beautiful. What is more amazing is that their beautiful colour comes from eating the shrimp that I cannot:). Proof that “God works all things out for the good of those who love Him.”-Romans 8:28
Smile with me now, will you? Here are 21 reasons….

I came across this gem this week-a reminder of a very special time in my life and the art of letting go…Thank you Marie Kondo (author of “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up for the kick-in the butt.
Whether they used a camera on their phone, a snap and shoot camera, or one of those professional fancy pants cameras, these BREATHTAKING photos capture what eyes once saw and hearts long to remember. #WorldPostGram #whatdoyousee

What would it be like if billboards were used to educate, inspire, and promote appreciation (vs. buy this, you need that, this is what all the cool kids are doing…). The Mayor of Tehran decided to test it out and this is what happened.

Love is blind. It sees beyond colour. It sees beyond fault. It sees beyond imperfections. It sees beyond. Brace your heart for this one…

Beautiful friends, as you embark on this lovely weekend ahead and in the days to come, may you remember this:
YOU are Rare.
YOU are Special.
And YOU are Entirely Worth It.
- Ladies (and Gents) Who ________: What’s Your Legacy? - May 15, 2018
- A Letter For Every Mother - April 17, 2018
- Dear Beautiful Soul… - March 28, 2018