Hello dear friends,
Happy Weekend! I hope that each of you had a great week and that life is just a bit more amazing than a week ago.
I have a question for you.
What do you see? I mean, I know you and I (who have been blessed with eye sight) look at things all throughout the day but what do you see? How often do we go throughout our day and our lives really, looking at many things but seeing nothing. It’s something I’ve been guilty on, on more than one occasion. And it is something God called me out on years ago. Here I was praying and dreaming for this extraordinary life of beauty and blessings and here I was missing out on the very things I was praying for because though my eyes were open, my vision was closed.
I began the EverydayNew project back in 2013 to challenge myself to look up from my daily circumstances and be present to the beauty and blessings in everyday moments. I took a minimum of one photo each day for the next 365 days. Before capturing moments via my handy dandy iPhone, I first needed to open the lens of my heart to be present to the extraordinary hidden in the ordinary, the masterpieces disguised in the mundane. Though I have stopped posting my daily photo on pinterest (I have began posting more via instagram. You can check it out here.), I continue to take photos regularly as a way to remind myself not to just look but SEE the beauty, SEE the blessings and SEE God each and every day.
My hope is that you will take a moment this weekend to be present to the presents all around us. Yes, gifts often come in disguise and all they require is an open heart to unwrap it:)
Happy Weekend Beautiful Soul. You. Are. Loved.
Heavenly Father, You may be indescribable and often times beyond our limited understanding but there’s no denying you. Every sunrise and sunset is a reflection of your magnificence. “Your presence is heaven to me.”-Israel Houghton #hl15 #1000gifts #sunset #nature
to learn more about The Giving Keys, please visit thegivingkeys.com
We all long for acceptance, appreciation, and approval. if you don’t, you’re lying:). And as much as we search for this in the people around us, social media, our jobs, etc., the invite is for us to look within. When you look in the mirror, do you accept the person you see? Do you appreciate the person you see? Do you approve of the person you see? So often, we find ourselves playing roles in order to please others when in fact at the end of the day, we are the ones who spend the most time with ourselves. Today, may you and I be kind to ourselves. May we move from being our worst enemy to being our greatest supporter. And may you always know that you are loved just as you are: fabulous, flawed, incredible, imperfect, masterpiece, mistakes and all. “Thank you Jesus, just as I am I come. Hallelujah, oh what amazing love.”-@elevationworship #freedom #love #generationamazing

It’s easy to fill up our schedules. It’s easy to be “busy.” It’s easy to pursue success. But who are we in the process? Who are we when we say, “I love you” or in conversation with another? Who are we when life throws us curveballs? Who are we outside of Sunday service, the latest and greatest party, the VIP lounge, etc? #love gives us meaning. #love gives us purpose, and as I am reminded today, #love is the true wealth of life. Happy New Week Everyone. You. Are. Loved. A lot. #liveoutloudeveryday #inspiredtopostit #wealth


Whether you see it or not, feel it or not, believe it or not, love is everywhere. The invite to you and I is to open our eyes, open our hearts, and open our minds each moment to give and receive love…a 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 love that is timeless, relentless, an unconditional. As the amazing team More Love Letters declare “Our mission is to make love famous.” What do you say? Will you join us?

- Ladies (and Gents) Who ________: What’s Your Legacy? - May 15, 2018
- A Letter For Every Mother - April 17, 2018
- Dear Beautiful Soul… - March 28, 2018
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