When we change the way we Love, we change the way we live.
Beauty & Blessings: This Week in Wonder & Awe(some)
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Hello beautiful souls,
Happy New Week/Long Weekend (depending on what country you are reading this from).
Here in Canada, we are celebrating Thanksgiving. Drew and I decided years ago, that our lives would be about ThanksLiving-living in gratitude each and every day. Thanks for the big things and thanks for the little things. Thanks for the things we notice and thanks for the things that we might have in the past considered “normal.” Nothing is “normal” with gratitude. Everything and everyone is a gift. And suddenly mundane moments become hosts to the miraculous.
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.
Melody Beattie
Grateful for you. Today and always.
Through the Lens of Love….
“The courage publicly displayed on the battlefield is courage privately cultivated in the wilderness.”-Tim Chaddick May you and I embrace the journey, wilderness and all. “Le laid peut être beau”— the ugly can be beautiful.
I asked for a sign and as the words exited my mouth, I turned my head and looked out my window to see this. God is faithful. It’s not a question. Deuteronomy 31:6
All of these blessings are God’s reminders to us not to worry. He’s got this! That’s the biggest confirmation we receive when walking in obedience to what He has asked us to do. Through this long journey, we have learned many things, but they all come down to this: When God calls you to do something, go for it, all the way. Have faith. He will see you through, and His timing is absolutely perfect. So no matter why you despair, know this: God will prevail. Tie a knot at the end of your rope and hang tight. You don’t need a savior unless you need to be saved from something. You don’t need a redeemer unless you need to be redeemed from something. You can’t fully experience God without getting refined in the fire by Him, and you will never, ever be the same. The deeper the valley and darker the night, the more joy you will feel when the light comes and you reach the mountaintop.-Hayley Jones
“We prayed to live present in the gifts and callings of today without dread of tomorrow. We asked, and we expected, and we trusted that in the knowing and listening, we would find peace and comfort.”-Kara Tippetts
I asked for another sign. I grabbed this book on my way out and randomly opened it. This is what I saw in bold letters: “Never, Never, Never Give Up”
Faith before fear…just like it is in the dictionary. #lifeinthefaithlane
Do you love flowers? Ever dream of playing with flowers for a living? Check. This. Out.
Photo Credit: Floret Flowers
“Life in the Faith Lane”-Brian Houston
to learn more about deidox, check out deidox.org for even more inspiring stories.
What makes us human? Filmmaker Yann Arthus-Bertrand wanted to find out so he set out and spent three years traveling the world, meeting people, and filming their stories. This is what he discovered…
Lifestyle Designer. Catalyst. Connoisseur of Life. Perfectly Imperfect. Foodie. Allergic to Nuts, Shellfish, and Mediocrity. Love Naps. Thought-Provoker. Soul-Stirrer. Multi-instrument Musician. Professional Dreammaker. Drew's Wife. JE SUiS. 1 Corinthians 14:1.
When We Change The Way We Love, We Change The Way We Live. When We Change The Way We Live, We Change The Way We Love.
#dangerouslove #generationamazing #lifeclass