Sometimes we just need a little reminder…I know I do.

If you were born today, what would your name be? Well thanks to TIME Magazine, you can find out as well as what your name would have been if you were born in previous decades.

This week, we (well technically Drew) were the lucky winners of…

Love is expressed in many ways. Thank you to two special girls for these birthday works of heART…

A DARE To Live Fully Right Where You Are…An Invite to Experience The Greatest Gift…
The root word of eucharisteo is charis, meaning “grace.” Jesus took the bread and saw it as grace and gave thanks. He took the bread and knew it to be gift and gave thanks. Eucharisteo, thanksgiving, envelopes the Greek word for grace, charis. But it also holds its derivative, the Greek word chara, meaning “joy.” Charis. Grace. Eucharisteo. Thanksgiving. Chara. Joy.-Ann Voskamp
To learn more about Ann-one of my inspirations and a lady whose words nourish my soul, please visit A Holy Experience and One Thousand Gifts

What is YOUR Recipe for Success?
“Success and failure don’t have to be anything you sign for in a contract or bonus. If you’re free of that, you can focus on what matters.”-Daniel Norris
Peace is LOVE from the inside out.
….want to be a part of the 2015 #lolewhite tour? Register by clicking the photo below and don’t forget to use the promo code LWT15AMB6366 to receive $5 off your ticket:)
Happy Weekend Beautiful Souls!
Sending you lots of love today and always:)
- Ladies (and Gents) Who ________: What’s Your Legacy? - May 15, 2018
- A Letter For Every Mother - April 17, 2018
- Dear Beautiful Soul… - March 28, 2018