Hey there Beautiful Soul,
Happy Weekend! This week I felt God speak to my heart and say, “I want you to learn to love.” Learn to love? Don’t I already know how to love? See the thing is, God said “learn TO love” and not learn HOW to love. It’s such a human thing to always want to know HOW before anything else. I believe this week’s treasure chest of Beauty & Blessings were all about love and in many ways taught me (and perhaps it will with you) to love.
Wishing you and yours the most wonderfully amazing weekend ahead!
I love soccer and so does Drew. We played for several years first on separate teams and then eventually on the same team. What I love about this story is this beautiful truth: With love, we are always on the same team.

There’s a new trend going on these days where people are getting a “G” tattooed on themselves. Why? The story is inspiring!

True Love doesn’t pick and choose. It just does. It just is. This is one of the most beautiful stories of Unconditional Love I’ve ever read. It’s inspiring, heart breaking, and heart awakening all at once. This is a story of compassion, courage, hope, and love…unconditional love. And love dear friends, has the ability to change everything and everyone. “Three things will last forever–faith, hope, and love–and the greatest of these is love.”-1 Corinthians 13:13

This Week in Photos-a little “I Spy With My Eye-Phone”… (with a couple snapshots from last week)
One of the best movies I’ve ever seen…

Somebody needs to be reminded of this today…

Stress has a way of coming into our lives whether we are prepared for it or not. For some, it is a matter of one situation (not getting the job you wanted or getting a negative review, etc.) while for others, it is the compound effect of many smaller seemingly insignificant things (being late for work, spilling coffee on your white shirt, forgetting your lunch at home, getting stuck in traffic, etc.). In her new book “Overload,” Best-Selling Author and World-Renowned Speaker Joyce Meyer takes STRESS on. Sharing from her vault of personal experiences and combining them with scriptural teachings, stories, interesting facts, and more, Joyce peels back the layers of stress that attempt to steal our joy.
Fueled by her desire that people everywhere “Enjoy Everyday Life,” Joyce tackles the very elements that prevent us from doing just that. Her book is a perfect mix of humour, honesty, and practical insight. Packed with pearls of wisdom, “Overload” will help willing folks stress less and enjoy life more. If you finding yourself overwhelmed by your circumstances, more stressed than blessed, and wondering what to do next, (in the spirit of each of the chapter titles) Keep Calm and Read Overload.
And instead of being controlled by stress, you may find yourself Stressing less and Enjoying Everyday Life more.

*Disclaimer: I am an avid reader, a life-long learner, and an ambassador for living a fulfilled life. Every book and/or product reviewed on Big Picture Fine Focus has been purchased/borrowed/gifted/received by the publisher. All opinions expressed are my own. I’m just a girl sharing what’s on her mind and within her heart:).
- Ladies (and Gents) Who ________: What’s Your Legacy? - May 15, 2018
- A Letter For Every Mother - April 17, 2018
- Dear Beautiful Soul… - March 28, 2018