10 Things to Know About Joann
1. I believe in God. I won’t judge you if you don’t and I hope you won’t judge me because I do. All of the insight, wisdom, designs, and ideas come from Him. If you want to give someone the credit, give it to God. He deserves it.
2. I am severely allergic to shellfish, tree nuts, and mediocrity.
3. I am married to award winning designer Drew Lesiuczok who is inspiring, kind, and ridiculously handsome. He is the epitome of Gentleman.
(For all you single ladies out there, gentlemen do still exist! Don’t ever settle.)
4. My hero is a lady who lost her sight, lost her hearing, had a mentality of a child, and had breast cancer. She didn’t do or have anything that society would deem successful (she never went to school, never had a job/career, never got married or had kids, etc.) yet her life was beyond significant. She taught me that you don’t have to have sight to have vision, you don’t have to have a lot materialistically to give a lot, and you don’t have to be educated to be a great teacher. Her greatest possession was her collection of rubberbands.
5. I have been on 3 farm vacations (yes, those do exist), I am a foodie, I’ve traveled to 4 continents (and counting), I can play multiple musical instruments (can you guess which ones?), my favourite colour is navy, and I love anything monogrammed.
6. My job? I kill mediocrity for a living. By getting rid of the same old, same old (that has become too old) and mediocre ideas, thoughts, and design, we create space to Unleash Greatness and Be Exceptional. You and I are far too valuable and worth way more than to be subject to creations and be co-creators of mediocrity. We are destined for greatness because we are descendants of greatness.
True Story: My mum once asked me what I do (as a profession). My response, "I am like baking soda in a recipe. I am not the main ingredient nor the thing you will taste. Some recipes require more of me while others require a little. My role regardless of scenario is to help you rise. I also specialize in versatility. Beyond helping people rise, I have been known to help unclog drains (a.k.a. old patterns of thinking), remove odours (a.k.a. clear out things that stink) and brighten smiles.
7. Some of the best advice I've ever received on this journey is this: "Everyone who has ever done and/or achieved something in life started somewhere. You have to start somewhere."-George Lim, "Do not give up!"-Esterina Grego
8. I read A LOT. Stay tuned for a link to my some of my favourite reads!
9. I am a transformer. There is more to me and the work I do than this ten point about me summary:)
10. God is able (to do exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond anything that you and I can think, dream or fathom). Are you and I available?