Friends W/ Benefits Series: Michelle Page

Hello Rockstars! Happy Tuesday:) I have the incredible privilege of meeting exceptional people-ones who are a breath of fresh air and have this innate ability to make everyone around them better. This new series entitled Friends W/ Benefits was inspired by my fellow LOLE Women (For those who don’t know, LOLE=Live Out Loud Everyday) and gives […]

The Honest System

(SPECIAL NOTE: This reflection aka “free admission exercise” was written yesterday and I had no intention of  posting it until I sat down to write this week’s blog post. If this journey has taught me anything, it is this: nothing is more powerful than raw honesty and sheer emotion laid on the line. Some call […]

Musical Interlude: Jake Shimabukuro

I love Queen and Bohemion Rhapsody is probably one of if not their most famous songs. Add in Jake Shimabukuro and his Ukelele (instrument of peace) and we see this song transformed from one of powerhouse to powerful. Jake shows us what it means to see something not solely for what it is but all […]