Beauty & Blessings: This Week in Wonder & Awe(some)

Hey you, yes you, YOU ARE AMAZING. No really you are. You are a living, breathing miracle. Now THAT’S pretty awesome! Today, may we never forget that miracles are in our midst. You Matter. You always have and you always will. It’s non-negotiable. Happy Everyday to you, you beautiful soul. You are so, so loved. […]

Beauty & Blessings: This Week in Wonder & Awe(some)

Hello beautiful souls, Happy Thanksgiving Weekend! Beyond turkey, stuffing, pumpkins, etc., Thanksgiving is a time to do just that: Give Thanks. In the Lesiuczok household, Thanksgiving is not reserved for a weekend in October but rather a daily privilege each and every day. “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into […]

What is YOUR Signature Trademark? Part III: 5 Things to Consider

For the past couple of weeks, we’ve been exploring the question: What is YOUR Signature Trademark? (You can read Part I here and/or Part II: from Pitiful to Powerful here) In Part III today, we’ll borrow a couple of pages from our Fill-In-The-Blanks book that give us FIVE things to consider re: Y(our) Signature Trademark. […]

Beauty & Blessings: This Week in Wonder & Awe(some)

Here. Now. Beauty & Blessings. A Loot Bag of Love. For You. Enjoy. Love, Joann xoxo “Faith goes up the stairs that love has built and looks out the windows which hope has opened.” ― Charles Haddon Spurgeon And Smile… Good Now…or Best Later? What Would You Do? What Happens When You Are Willing and […]

Beauty & Blessings: This Week in Wonder & Awe(some)

Hey There Beautiful Soul, Happy [Everyday] to You! If you’re ready for some good ol’ Wonder & Awe(some), let’s get it rolling…. Wishing you the most amazing day ahead! Love, Joann xo The Spirit of Rio and the Olympics is found in moments like this… …and this one   …and this one! …a reminder of […]

A Guide to Living a Life of Success and Significance.

“Like sand through the hour glass, so are the days of our lives.”-Intro to Days of Our Lives 168 hours/week 24 hours/day 1440 minutes/day $86,400/day Growing up, I was really, REALLY into Soap Operas. My baby sitter used to watch All My Children and General Hospital while I was supposed to be napping but for […]

Beauty & Blessings: This Week in Wonder & Awe(some)

Hey There Beautiful Soul, Happy Everyday…to you! May this week’s treasures nourish your spirit, fuel your soul, and inspire your heart. With love, Joann xo We belong to…eachother. True Love is colourblind. Come as you are… Loved this story! When talent meets a need, incredibleness can happen. Give Indi Cowie a soccer ball and magic […]