2012-the Year of Rock Stars

Good Morning Rock Stars! Happy January 3rd:). As a new year is upon us, my wish for each and every one of you is simple: For those ready to kick-start it into high gear, I invite you to check out www.bigpicturefinefocus.com/freestuff.html (or click on the image below) for you guessed it….FREE STUFF! The elves were […]

Happy Thanksliving!

Good Morning Rock Stars, Happy Monday! As this beautiful day is set before us, I wanted to take a moment to reflect upon this season…the bountiful harvest. Last week in Canada, we celebrated Thanksgiving-a time to give thanks and have gratitude for the people, experiences, opportunities and abundance in our lives. It was a time […]

The Year of Abundance

Monday January 10th, 2011, 3:59pm Good day friends and fellow connoisseurs, Happy Monday! We are one week into this 2011 year and there is a certain buzz and energy in the air. Perhaps it’s because a new year is upon us or that it feels like we can begin again or start something new. Whatever […]